Welcome to Our Church

Welcome to the Iowa City Seventh-day Adventist Church. We believe our mission is to serve God, coming together as a church family to be of service to our members and others in our community. Our church retains a warm and friendly atmosphere – the congregation considering each other as part of their family. 

We strive to get to know our members and guests, encouraging and utilizing each person’s God-given talents. Our church family is a very diverse family, representing God’s world family and giving us a glimpse of whatheaven will be like.

If you live in the Iowa City area, or here to attend the University of Iowa, we would love to have you be a part of our family. Long term or short term we invite you to make our church your home. Please come and join us as we worship and praise our Lord.


Meet Our Staff


Become a Believer


University Outreach

University Friends


What we at the Iowa City SDA believe about Jesus, the Bible and the Church.


Our Church Family

Contact Us

Questions & Prayer Requests

Be sure to listen to the Message For Today podcast as heard on (radio station info here) .

Listen Now

Pastor Dale Morrison teaches the True and living word of God. 

Iowa Missouri Conference: https://imsda.org/
Adventist Book Store: https://imsda.org/bookstore/
Bible Questions: https://www.bibleinfo.com/
3ABN: https://3abn.org/
Sunnydale Adventist Academy: https://sunnydale.org/
Union College: https://ucollege.edu/
Andrews University: https://www.andrews.edu/