Todays’ message will be delivered by Hans Habeniect Created on 09-25-2021
Todays’ message will be delivered by Hans Habeniect Created on 09-25-2021
Join us for a new series called ‘God Became Flesh’. Part 7 begins today and is titled ‘ Trusting in Jesus’ Plan When We Don’t Understand’ Todays’ message will be delivered by Pastor Dale Morrison Created on 09-18-2021
‘Who Do You Cast Your Lot For?’
Join us for a new series called ‘God Became Flesh’. Part 5 begins today and is titled ‘Progressions in Life’ See you at 10:30 for bible study, and at 11:30 for todays’ message.
This 3 minute ‘Message for Today’ series presented by Pastor Dale Morrison shows us how to navigate those twists and turns that life throws at us by staying focused on God in our daily lives